Take Aim Alaska
DSC Predictive Dialer and CRM Software Database Systems Corp. provides call center software including predictive dialers, IVR services, ACD systems, CRM software, CTI software and Voice Broadcasting systems.
EasyIVR Voice Mail Broadcasting and IVR Service Manage your own 800 number IVR and voice broadcasting phone campaigns online. Register for service and download phone lists and wav files from the internet - monitor results with reporting system.
GRSoftware Windows Professional Backup and Search Engine optimization software
Impression: imPRESSion and imPRESSion Lite are affordable desktop publishing applications that combine powerful vector graphics drawing with a range of text handling functions. These programs meet both your drawing and text handling needs by enabling you to create professional-looking publications using only one application.
Take Aim Alaska
P.O. Box 1285
Petersburg, Alaska 99833
Ph., Fax (907) 772-2188
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All Rights Reserved
Webmaster: Michael Sheldon- E-mail Me
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