Take Aim Alaska
Alaska and Canada Search Engine Alaska's Most Travel Friendly Spot on the Web. Statewide weather, accommodations, ecotours, state & national parks, entertainment, shopping, restaurants, visitors bureaus, and much more! On most search engines and directories you would have to pay for this type of premium listing. We're offering it FREE! This small icon next to your listing will make your site more visible and as a result, drive more traffic to your site.
Dmoz The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors.
Search-The-World.com was designed to suit the advertiser and user alike. The front page index is the key to finding your particular interest. By clicking on one of the main header topics you will be guided to a sub directory within that area of interest.
Take Aim Alaska
Petersburg, Alaska
© 2000-2005 - Take Aim Alaska
All Rights Reserved
Webmaster: Michael Sheldon- E-mail Me
Although the Webmaster of this web page Michael Sheldon tries to make the information as accurate as possible, we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone using this Web page, Take Aim Alaska.